Products Pump supplier in singapore

ASME B73.1 Process pump
Back pull-out design with fully open, radial vane, recessed impeller suitable for solids & low flow application

ISO 5199 Process pump
Back pull-out design with wide channel, semi open vortex, semi open channel type impeller suitable for clean & solid medium

Thermoplastic process pump
ISO 5199 solid block thermoplastic pumps with PP, PVDF, UHMW, PVC MOC suitable for chemical transfer

FRP process pump
Due to its chemical & mechanical resistance it is technical & financial alternative to special alloy pumps

Magnetic drive sealless pump
Eliminate the need for shaft sealing. Suitable for pumping hazardous chemicals where leaks cannot be tolerated.

EN 733 centrifugal pump
Horizontal end suction, back pull-out configuration centrifugal pump suitable for pumping various liquids

Vertical inline centrifugal pump
Vertical inline configuration suitable for application where installation plot is limited

Horizontal multistage centrifugal pump
Horizontal end suction multistage configuration suitable for high pressure/head applications.

Vertical booster pump
Pumps with suction & discharge on the same level for pressure boosting applications.

Split case pump
Split chamber, double suction, radial impeller for improved suction capacity for large flow applications

Self-priming centrifugal pump
Back pull out & self-priming in nature. Comes with open non clog impeller capable of handling fluids with solids

Slurry pump
Handles corrosive & non-corrosive abrasive fluids. Horizontal & vertical submersible configuration available

Submersible pump
Pump for general draining applications

Vertical submersible cantilever pump (Metal)
Handles soil waste, or muddy liquids, even corrosive & course solids. Vortex, open free passage impellers are available

Vertical submersible cantilever pump (Plastic)
Suitable for handling corrosive liquids from tank/sump. PP, PVDF, PVC material of construction available.
Peristaltic pump
Pumps for viscous, Abrasive, chemically aggressive liquids with large number of solid particles.

Air operated diaphragm pump
Pneumatic driven pump suitable for handling corrosive chemicals, waste fluids, food transfer etc.

Metering/Dosing pump
Solenoid and motor driven pump for chemical dosing/ metering application.

Gear pump (Callisto pump)
Pumps for thick industrial liquids like oil, paints, resins of any viscosity. Self-priming in nature

Progressive cavity pump
Pumps for viscous liquids with solids or fibres in suspension.

Vane pump
Self-priming & constant delivery at high speed. Negligible pulsation. Suitable for fuel transfer.

High pressure plunger pump
Pumps for ultra-high-pressure app like water jet cleaning, metal/ concrete cutting, water blasting etc.

Vacuum pump
Draw air/gases from the enclosed volume to leave behind a closed vacuum. Liquid ring & rotary vane pumps are available.

Positive displacement Lobe blower
Generate constant air flow at high flow rates with low pressure and vacuum levels for wide range of application.

Hygienic centrifugal pump (FDA)
Transfer low viscosity products such as water, oils, glycols, and wines.

Hygienic centrifugal pump (Helical impeller) (FDA)
Transfer solids with suspensions like olives, chickpeas, beans etc.

Hygienic self-priming centrifugal pump (FDA)
Used for decanting liquids and self -priming in nature.

Hygienic Liquid ring pump (FDA)
Handles clean fluids and fluids without any suspended solids. Used for pumping fluids mixed with air

Hygienic flexible impeller pump (FDA)
Self-priming & ideal foe pumping shear sensitive fluids which can be damaged altered, thickened when pumping.

Hygienic gear pump (FDA)
Suitable for handling thin viscous liquids like oils etc

Hygienic lobe pump (FDA)
Transfer low, medium & high viscosity media. Precision rotor & low shear operation for shear sensitive fluids.

Hygienic progressive cavity pump (FDA)
Continuous, Stable pressure & low pulsation conveyance, independent of pressure & viscosity fluctuations
Water Treatment
Oil & Gas
Power Generation
Food Industry
Rotating equipment maintenance & service
Dynamic balancing
Shaft Laser Alignment
Skid Integration