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- B73.1 pump supplier in Singapore
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ANSI B73.1 pump
Key Specifications
Flows up to
1364 m3/hr
Pressure up to
26 Bar
Features & Benefits
- Dynamically balanced impellers
- External impeller adjustment
- Fully open impeller
- Oil lubricated ball bearings
- Back pull-out design
- Bearing isolators on bearing support to prevent contamination
- Single, double mechanical seal
- Mechanical seal support API 682 flushing plans
- Wide range of materials available
- Available for Low flow high head application
- Handles fibrous materials
Carbon steel, 316SS, CD4MCu, Alloy 20, Hastelloy B&C
Packing / Single / double / cartridge seal
Flushing plan
API 682 compatible
Suction / Discharge
1” to 8”
Max. Capacity
1590 m3/hr
Max. Diff pressure
22.3 bar
Max. Head
223 m
Max. Temperature
+ 260 Deg C
Min. Temperature
– 20 Deg C
Max. Viscosity
300 cP